
Crafting, Cooking and Thoughts

Booby Coozy

As everyone who may start reading this blog will soon find out, October is a busy birthday month for my family. As such, I was perusing Ravelry’s patterns to see if anything stuck out at me. And oh did it!

I’ve got to say, whoever first came up with this idea was brilliant. My uncle and cousin (it was his 21st birthday) LOVED their birthday present and got quite a few chuckles out of it. I, of course, couldn’t stick to the original pattern and made some alterations. Since a Ravelry user asked if I wouldn’t mind sharing my changes, I figured here would be a good place to do so. I didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes on Ravelry by putting up a new pattern. So, here’s my take on the Booby Coozy pattern.

Booby Coozy Pattern



Original Pattern by Keesha Arthur

Published in

Alterations made by Megan Brosnan (Ravelry: Moemeg)

Hooks Used:

I (5.5 m) for Coozy

H (5.0) for Boobies

Yarn Used: Aran/Worsted Weight

For Body: Red Heart Super Soft in Off White

For Nipples: A dusty, light rose color I had in my stash.

Bikini Bottom/Bikini Tops: Scraps from my stash, mainly Caron Simply Soft


MC : Magic Chain

DC: Double Crochet

Ch: Chain

HDC: Half Double Crochet

SC: Single Crochet


Coozy:  I Hook

-With main bikini color, MC with 12 DC (12)

-Rnd 1: Chain 3, DC in same space. 2 DC in each, slip in 1st chain (24)

-Rnd 2: Ch 2, working in back loops, HDC in each, slip in 1st ch (24)

-Rnd 3: Ch 2, HDC in each, slip in 1st ch (24)

-Rnd 4: Ch 2, HDC in each, slip in 1st ch (24)

-Rnd 5: Switch to flesh color. Ch 2, HDC in each, slip in 1st ch (24)

-Rnd 6-17: ch 2, HDC in each, slip in 1st ch (24)

***You may want to make the coozy taller or shorter. 17 Rnds worked best for me***

Boobs: H Hook Make Two (Or however many you feel your coozy should have)

-With Nipple Color, MC with 6 SC (6)

-Rnd 1: With flesh color, 2 sc in each stitch (12)

-Rnd 2: *sc in first stitch, 2 sc in next* repeat  (18)

-Rnd 3: sc in each (18)

-Rnd 4 and 5: sc in each ( 18)

Nipples: H hookMake the same number as you did Boobs.

-Make a slip knot

-Chain 3

-Slip stitch back into first chain.

-Ta Da! All done. Just knot it and sew onto the boob in the appropriate place.

Bikini Top: H Hook

***I had a lot of trouble free making this, so I needed a visual. I included a neater version of the visual that I used***

-MC with 9 SC

-Rnd 1: Ch 1, 2 sc in same, sc in next two, 3 sc in 4th stitch, sc in next two, 3 sc in 7th, sc in next two (15)

-Rnd 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in same, sc in next four, 3 sc in 6th stitch, sc in next four, 3 sc in 11th stitch, sc in next four


For the straps, I braided the colors that I used in the bikini together, and tied them on the top corner. I also wove the chest strap though the bottom part of the bikini.

Before assembling, I suggest turning the coozy inside out and putting it on a can. Weave in the ends now, that way you know you aren’t making anything too tight!! I assembled everything completely by attaching the nipples then sewing part of one boob on the coozy. Then filled it will stuffing and sewed it the rest of the way. For the second boob, I attached the top and then made sure everything was in the right place/height/so on. Then filled it (making sure they’re even!!).

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